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How to set Custom Attributes
How to set Custom Attributes
Stanley Tran avatar
Written by Stanley Tran
Updated over a week ago

If you are on this page, you are probably familiar with the concept of Dynamic Fields and how they enable you to add user-specific information or content to passes. With Badge, you can easily add Custom Attributes that will appear as Dynamic Field options by:

  1. Clicking on the ⚡️ button next to any field to open the attributes drop-down menu

    1. Note: When adding a Custom Attribute, it will NOT be restricted for use on the current field); you will also be able to select this as a Dynamic Field for other fields on the pass

  2. Clicking the "+ Custom Attribute" text above the list of available attributes

    1. When naming your Custom Attributes, think about what attributes are specific to a single pass versus ones that can be used across different passes. Attributes that are meant for a single pass, should include a prefix for the pass. For example, if there was a specific order number of an event named, The Big Show, the Custom Attribute for it should be something like theBigShow_orderNumber to prevent it from being used as the order number for another event pass.

✨Pro-tip✨ : Make a comprehensive list of all Dynamic Fields that you would want a user to see on a pass. When ready, go to Badge and add a Custom Attribute for each of those fields using the two steps above. This will make it easy to auto-populate these fields when bulk issuing passes using CSV import because you will be mapping column headers to Custom Attributes.

Once you've added Custom Attributes, use the Pass Editor to place them in whatever fields you want—on the back or front of the pass. This could be anything from a member ID that you want displayed in a field or even a URL for the QR code.

Bulk issuing passes

Bulk issuing is the creation of multiple passes with information that is specific to each user in a specified group.

For some of you who are acquiring brand new users, distributing an Invite Link for users to complete in order to download a pass may fulfill your needs. In that case, passes are issued to users each time a user signs up. For others who may have some other system (e.g. a CRM like Salesforce or Shopify) that manages an existing database of users, you may want to skip the invite step and bulk issue passes—and have the resulting Pass Download Links sent to them in an email/SMS campaign via your own marketing platform.

We have made it super easy to bulk issue passes to existing users using our CSV Import tool. If you want to auto-issue pass in real-time, so customers get immediate access to their Pass Download Link after completing a sign-up or purchase on your site, we advise that you use the Badge API.

CSV Import

  1. Go to the Pass Details page of the Pass that you want to bulk issue passes for and click the "Import" button above the User List.

  2. If you want to automatically download Pass Download Links for all newly issued passes after importing your file, check the box next to "Download issued passes after import" before clicking the "Import CSV" button.

  3. Drag and drop OR click the "Select file" button to upload your CSV. You can use an .xlsx, .xls, or .csv file here.

  4. Choose the header row as the first step of mapping the values of your CSV to Custom Attributes that you had set in the Pass Editor.

  5. Map your CSV columns to attributes. This is especially easy after naming the CSV column headers the same exact thing as your Custom Attributes (they are automatically mapped in this case). Also feel free to remove columns that you feel like are unnecessary to add.

  6. Review before clicking the "Import" button. If you checked the "Download issued passes after import" box at the start of the import process, you will automatically download the CSV of Pass Download Links for all newly issued passes. You can upload this file to the email/SMS marketing platform of your choice to distribute passes for your users. If you did not check the box at the start, you can also click the "Export" button when on the Pass Details page for the desired pass to download a CSV of all Pass Download Links.

CSV best practices

When providing a CSV for import, make sure that you include the following

  1. A header line that includes

    1. id OR email (this is required to ensure we are updating the pass for the correct user)

    2. Titles of the Custom Attributes that you want to add as Dynamic Field options

  2. Records which correspond to the header line

CSV example

the email, affiliateLink, birthDate
[email protected],, 1987-07-04
[email protected],, 1990-02-14

Please note that we only allow one pass per each Pass template that you create to be issued per user. For example if you created a Pass template in your Workspace for passes to be issued to VIP Customers, you would only be able to issue one of these passes to [email protected]. However, if you created another Pass template for Loyal Customers and [email protected] was also eligible for this pass, they could also be issued one pass from this Pass template.

There is no scoping of attributes to a specific Pass Template, though you can distinguish similar attributes for different passes by using a unique name. For example, if you want to add Custom Attributes for a specific Pass Template, you could prefix the header titles with p_ followed by the name of the Pass template that you want to update. id OR email is still required to ensure we are updating the correct user. For a pass called "My Pass" this could look like the following:

email, p_my_pass_affiliateLink, p_my_pass_birthDate
[email protected],, 1987-07-04
[email protected],, 1990-02-14

And of course, you can just as easily create a CSV using a tool like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, and export it as a CSV file:







You can also bulk issue passes to users with Custom Attributes using the Badge API. You can create API keys when on the Settings page in your Badge workspace.

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