This is gonna be quick! While logged in to your workspace:
Click the "Create a new pass" button on the top, right corner of the Passes page. If you're not sure if you're on the page, click "Passes" on the left panel
If you're looking for inspiration, check out The Pass Hall of Fame
Creating a badge requires providing
An internal name: What your team calls this—and yes, it can be the same as your user-facing name
A user-facing name: What holders of your pass will see
You have to create a badge before publishing it
When you click on the "Create" button, you are creating a draft of this pass; you will be able to find it when you return to the Passes page
After creating a card, you will be able to save and publish changes
Want to add pass information or content that is specific to each user? Check out Dynamic Fields.
Save your changes by clicking the "Save" button
Your users won't see these changes on their passes
Publish your changes by clicking the "Publish" button
Publishing makes your changes live on all passes held by users—and don't worry if you make a mistake because you can fix and publish changes immediately after (users are not notified of changes unless you send them a push notification)